For science at Lincoln High School, we immersed ourselves in the study of the Elwha River on January 29th. Once we were filled in on the background information we began to study the watershed hands-on. Mr. Lieberman brought in guest speakers including Kim Sager and Alice Susong to help us out and teach us more. On February 2nd-8th we went on group field trips to the Elwha River to investigate the dissolved oxygen in the water. We then recorded our data and were asked to create our own investigative questions, such as pH levels, turbidity and moss growth. We went on another field trip to the Elwha River and researched to answer our investigative question. We were accompanied by Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin from Olympic Park Institute. When we returned we plotted our data and presented our new found information to the class. (By Charlene McElravy)
Check out the article about our Elwha Research that appeared in Port Angeles School District's News and Notes on February 22nd.
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